Welcome, Satu – our new intern!

We are very happy to have a new intern in our project!

Satu Järvinen (b. 1992) is working as a research assistant in the Art-Eco Project. She is currently studying Master of Education degree in Expert Training in Education and Adult Education at the University of Eastern Finland. She has also graduated as tanssi-innostaja (engl. dance animateur) in December 2015.

“In my studies of Tanssi-innostaminen®, I found my own way to be, respect for myself, others and nature.”

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Satu will transcribe research interviews and the handwritten diaries of our informants/co-reseachers. This data is collected from two different Tanssi-innostaminen® projects, so it is great that Satu is also an expert in this field. Satu will also co-ordinate Nick Morris’ visit to Tampere in June. Satu is also thinking of doing her master’s thesis in EcoJustice framework.

Welcome to our team, Satu!

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Art-Eco Project
Art-Eco Project

The Art-Eco project examines artistic and pedagogical possibilities to support the holistic awareness of empathetic-ecological humanity.

All stories by: Art-Eco Project
Art-Eco Project